Sunday, April 8, 2007

You Think You Are So Cool?


I am called to write under this thread again as I anticipate that some mind-boggling readers seem to undervalue the contents forwarded by the sideliners. He or she (I don’t know), stated that most of the feedbacks that had been raised dictates more emotion rather than a healthy point of discussion.

My point of view, it’s not wrong to throw such an emotion comments when we try to convey the true facts about how we feel. For instance, I would like to raise the question that when Karl Marx wrote his book of Das Capital, did he consider people’s emotion as part of his theoretical basis of Communism? I don’t think so, and eventually, look at the damage done by him and his followers.

Let me refresh the readers’ memory that apparently, the ideology he brought-up has lead to the genocide of 30 million Chinese under the Moa Tze Tung’s ruling, 20 million Russians under the Soviet government, 1.7 million Cambodians under the Khmer Rouge and of course, that figures excluded off our Malay warriors who died throughout the fight against Parti Komunis Malaya (PKM) assault in our country subsequently.

So, coming back to the subject of emotion, when they proceed their ideology into practice, do you think that either Karl Marx, Frederich Engles, Mao Tze Tung, Lenin, Stalin or Pol Pot have put people’s emotions as part of their consideration?

The emotion factors should be considered as well and the impression that only ‘healthy discussion’ is more worth than emotions point of view, should be put aside in a sense. The fact that, it is the failure to embrace emotion that leads to the massacre of the innocents nowadays, and it is enormously insane to say that George W. Bush, or Ehud Olmert who committed all the killing of Iraqis, Palestinians and Lebanese are only urged by the consequence of ‘healthy point of decisions’.

Unfortunately, of all the above mentioned, it happened prior to NO emotion thoughts measured at the first place.

My conclusion, emotion sight does have the significant impact for any fineness of intellect here to justify over all the feedbacks feeds into this forum.


The Real Observer

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